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Debbie Lynd

Personal and Professional Leadership

You deserve to lead your best life, mindfully choosing what's right for you.  Contact me for a free exploratory session into the many facets of you and the ways in which you can see life with new eyes to reach your full potential.

New Thinking for New Results

Creating Capacity for Choice in Change

Need help to achieve your goals in life? Learn to use an array of communication skills and tools to gain success in your endeavors. In addition to 1-on-1 coaching and group sessions, I regularly host workshops and seminars for people who are interested in growing themselves and others through mindfulness, inward observation and outward manifestation.

Wandering Traveler

Individual Coaching

Living your vision

The lens from which you view the world determines what is possible. Taking inventory of the many facets of you and viewing them from different vantage points can help to realign and get to the best YOU possible, no matter where you are now. Within you is everything you need to make your life all it can be.
At different stages of life, our needs change just as we do. As an adult, you don’t partake in the activities you did as a child. We are continually changing, sometimes subtly, and sometimes in ways we wish we weren’t. Everyone needs a helping hand at some point. And that’s where I come in; encouraging your growth, providing fresh perspective and a host of new tools for new ways of seeing the world that is in order to create what can be.

Group Coaching

Guidance & Inspiration

Enjoy learning and sharing with others? We all share many of the same hopes, dreams and yes, also fears. By working in small groups, learning from each other is a way of opening to new thoughts, ideas and beliefs about who we are and who we can be. Through conversation, thought provoking questioning and engaging activities, you’ll gain insights and valuable tools for seeing yourself and others with new eyes.

Bridge Over River
View of Meditation Garden

Workshops for Growth

Embrace Life’s Challenges

Life throws many surprises at us, and while we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, we can take control of how we respond to situations. Through an in depth workshop experience, you’ll learn about yourself in new ways and explore various methods for accepting and changing what is to what can be. 

Contact Me

Want to find out if coaching is for you? Contact me today to schedule a free 90 minute session or ask a question.

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“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear”

Mark Twain

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